Download our 2022-2023 Prospectus
How can our children truly thrive?
Especially when they are in an establishment which limits or removes their agency, passion, wonder and creativity resulting in children feeling stressed, depressed, anxious and bored.
At Agate, we hold to the code of the innate genius in all children and giving them supportive agency to discover their interests.
The family, fundamentally has the right to choose the educational direction without interference from others.
Alternative Private School for home educators. We respects parents' rights and students' diverse needs. We work with each family to Individually tailor unique curriculum of their choosing. If you're on ODSP or with other agencies who require a letter confirming full time enrollment for your children. We can help.
Will accept remote students. (telephone, letter, online).
What we offer
Agate Private School is a private full-time day and distance learning school established in 1983 by the Ontario Ministry of Education, Canada. Because we believe that the family is the most fundamental social institution and the preferred means of caring for, preparing, and training children to be productive members of society, Agate Private School promotes and supports a family-centered education through our independent study program.
Don't just take our word for it
"Agate School has worked ideally for our family for the last few years. Gayle helped us to navigate through the transition from public school to Agate when some things arose. She was excellent. Agate offers families the opportunity to design their style of learning while also being there to give ample recommendations if that is desired. The school can be hands off or hands on, dependent on what you want. When you ask, they're there to answer questions or offer resources. I recommend Agate School often to those who are new to alternative learning methods and are wanting to give it a go."
Get Started in 3 Simple Steps
Find out if Agate is the right fit for you and your family. Learn what we do, answer a few questions to help us get the process started, and book a discovery call.

Fill in your application and wait for your confirmation letter.
3. Enroll and start to Learn Free*
Once accepted, fill in your Enrolment Package, [create your account], transfer documents and begin your learning adventure.
Our results speak for themselves
"I was a student at Agate private school and I loved the one on one learning and the self pace option."
"Agate Private School is the school we needed for our son when we needed it decades ago. We're glad it existed. Gayle appreciated our son's artistic temperament, which was not the case for public school."
Let's talk about the next step in your journey
Ready to experience educational freedom?